عنوان البحث |
النوع |
الناشر |
السنة |
عالمي |
مفرد |
ثومبسون رويتر (كلارفيت) |
سكوبس |
تحميل |
Omicron virus emotions understanding system based on deep learning architecture
بحث مجلة |
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing |
2023 |
Locality Improvement Scheme Based on QR Code Technique within Inverted Index
بحث مجلة |
Informatica |
2023 |
Secure two-factor mutual authentication scheme using shared image in medical healthcare environment
بحث مجلة |
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics |
2023 |
Secure two-factor mutual authentication scheme using shared image in medical healthcare environment
بحث مجلة |
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics |
2023 |
Secure Electronic Healthcare Record Using Robust Authentication Scheme,
بحث مجلة |
IAENG International Journal of Computer Science |
2023 |
Breast Cancer Prediction Using Soft Voting Classifier Based on Machine Learning Models
بحث مجلة |
IAENG International Journal of Computer Science |
2023 |
Omicron virus emotions understanding system based on deep learning architecture
بحث مجلة |
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing |
2023 |
A lightweight and secure multilayer authentication scheme for wireless body area networks in healthcare system
بحث مجلة |
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) |
2023 |
Authentication Healthcare Scheme in WBAN
بحث مجلة |
Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
2023 |
Using Pearson Correlation and Mutual Information (PC-MI) to Select Features for Accurate Breast Cancer Diagnosis Based on a Soft Voting Classifier
بحث مجلة |
Iraqi Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
2023 |
Towards for Designing Educational System Using Role-Based Access Control
بحث مجلة |
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems |
2023 |
Secure Electronic Healthcare Record based on Distributed Global Database and Schnorr Signcryption
بحث مجلة |
Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
2023 |
Secure Electronic Healthcare Record based on Distributed Global Database and Schnorr Signcryption
بحث مجلة |
Journal for Electrical and Electronic Engineering |
2023 |
Virtual SmartCards-based Authentication in Healthcare Systems and Applications
بحث مجلة |
International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications |
2023 |
Improving the Performance of Searchable Symmetric Encryption by Optimizing Locality
بحث مجلة |
Basrah Researches Sciences |
2023 |
, EPSAPI: An efficient and provably secure authentication protocol for an IoT application environment
بحث مجلة |
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications |
2022 |
Secure authentication and privacy-preserving to improve video streaming vehicle ad-hoc network
بحث مجلة |
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
2022 |
Building an efficient content based image retrieval system by changing the database structure
بحث مجلة |
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
2022 |
Electronic Health Records System Using Blockchain Technology
بحث مجلة |
Webology, Volume 18, Special Issue on Current Trends in Management and Information Technology, October, 2021 |
2021 |
Password authentication scheme based on smart card and QR code
بحث مجلة |
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
2021 |
An Efficient Mechanism to Prevent the Phishing Attacks.
بحث مجلة |
Iraqi Journal for Electrical & Electronic Engineering |
2021 |
Towards design strong emergency and COVID-19 authentication scheme in VANET
بحث مجلة |
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
2021 |
Towards for Designing Intelligent Health Care System Based on Machine Learning
بحث مجلة |
Iraqi Journal for Electrical & Electronic Engineering |
2021 |
A Novel Image Encryption Scheme Based on DCT transform and DNA Sequence
بحث مجلة |
Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) |
2021 |
Towards design strong emergency and COVID-19 authentication scheme in VANET
بحث مجلة |
Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) |
2021 |
Multi-factor Authentication for an Administrator’s Devices in an IoT Environment
بحث مجلة |
Springer |
2021 |
بحث مجلة |
: Journal of Information and Communication Technology (JICT) Vol.19, No.3, July 2020, UUM Press |
2020 |
Novel Scheme for Enhancing Storage Management and Performance and Saving Energy of Mobile Cloud Computing
بحث مجلة |
(Journal of Computer Science (JCS, Science Publication |
2019 |
Low-Overhead Remote User Authentication Protocol for IoT Based on a Fuzzy Extractor and Feature Extraction
بحث مجلة |
IEEE Access, IF=4 |
2019 |
Robust Conditional Privacy-Preserving Authentication based on Pseudonym Root with Cuckoo Filter in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
بحث مجلة |
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, IF=0.666 |
2019 |
Efficient Conditional Anonymity With Message Integrity and Authentication in a Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network
بحث مجلة |
IEEE Access |
2019 |
A New Scheme for Removing Duplicate Files from Smart Mobile Devices: Images as a Case Study
بحث مجلة |
(Cihan University-Erbil Scientific Journal (CUESJ |
2019 |
Authentication and revocation scheme for VANETs based on Chinese remainder theorem
بحث مؤتمر |
Poster Paper,(The 21th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-2019) |
2019 |
Efficient and Flexible Multi-Factor Authentication Protocol Based on Fuzzy Extractor of Administrator’s Fingerprint and Smart Mobile Device
بحث مجلة |
Cryptography ,MDPI |
2019 |
Flexible and Efficient Authentication of IoT Cloud Scheme Using Crypto Hash Function
بحث مؤتمر |
2018 |
بحث مجلة |
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology |
2018 |
Privacy preserving search over multiple servers
بحث مجلة |
Inderscience Publishers (IEL) |
2017 |
Computing the shortest route among multiple points without revealing their geographical locations
بحث مجلة |
Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for computer science and mathematics |
2017 |
A Distributed Clustering Methodology for Connecting Dense Sensor Network Fields
بحث مجلة |
2016 |
Secure and efficient e-health scheme based on the Internet of Things
بحث مؤتمر |
2016 |
Strong Authentication Scheme Based on Hand Geometry and Smart Card Factors
بحث مجلة |
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute |
2016 |
Ensuring Data Integrity Scheme Based on Digital Signature and Iris Features in Cloud
بحث مجلة |
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
2016 |
Towards Efficient Authentication Scheme with Biometric Key Management in Cloud Environment
بحث مؤتمر |
2016 |
An Efficient Public Verifiability and Data Integrity Using Multiple TPAs in Cloud Data Storage
بحث مؤتمر |
2016 |
MACLESS Steganography using Double-stegging with Handwritten Signature in Cloud Computing
بحث مؤتمر |
2016 |
Public Auditing for Secure Shared Data Storage in Cloud with Multi-User Modification
بحث مؤتمر |
2016 |
Robust Scheme to Protect Authentication Code of Message/Image Documents in Cloud Computing
بحث مؤتمر |
2016 |
New data integrity scheme employing wavelet-based digital watermarking in cloud environment
بحث مؤتمر |
2015 |
Robust image document authentication code with autonomous biometrie key generation, selection, and updating in cloud environment
بحث مؤتمر |
2015 |
Public auditing for secure data storage in cloud through a third party auditor using modern ciphertext
بحث مؤتمر |
2015 |
Robust Image Document Authentication Code with Autonomous Biometric Key Generation, Selection, and Updating in Cloud Environment
بحث مؤتمر |
2015 |
Public Auditing for Secure Data Storage in Cloud through a Third Party Auditor Using Modern Ciphertext
بحث مؤتمر |
2015 |
New Data Integrity Scheme Employing Wavelet-Based Digital Watermarking in Cloud Environment
بحث مؤتمر |
2015 |
Password Authentication Between Past And Future: Survey
بحث مؤتمر |
Digenets Co |
2015 |
Cloud authentication based on encryption of digital image using edge detection
بحث مؤتمر |
2015 |
Secure and Efficient Data Integrity Based on Iris Features in Cloud Computing
بحث مؤتمر |
2014 |
An efficient and robust one-time message authentication code scheme using feature extraction of iris in cloud computing
بحث مؤتمر |
2014 |
A New Message Authentication Code Scheme Based on Feature Extraction of Fingerprint in Cloud Computing
بحث مجلة |
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology |
2014 |
Towards efficient yet privacy-preserving approximate search in cloud computing
بحث مجلة |
2014 |
Fast Video compression method based on wavelet transform and simple efficient search algorithm
بحث مجلة |
J.Thi-Qar Sci |
2014 |
Security and integrity of data in cloud computing based on feature extraction of handwriting signature
بحث مجلة |
sdiwc |
2014 |
Efficiency and Flexibility of Fingerprint Scheme Using Partial Encryption and Discrete Wavelet Transform to Verify User in Cloud Computing
بحث مجلة |
hindawi |
2014 |
Cloud Authentication Based on Anonymous One-Time Password. Book Chapter in Cloud computing
فصل من كتاب |
Springer Press |
2013 |
Using Discrete Wavelet Transformation To Enhance Underwater Image
بحث مجلة |
International Journal of Computer Science Issue |
2013 |
Efficient and Secure Mutual Authentication Scheme in Cloud Computing
بحث مجلة |
2013 |
Secure Password by Using Two Factor Authentication in Cloud Computing
بحث مؤتمر |
SERSC Publishing |
2013 |
Design New Algorithm For Partial Image Encryption Based colors Space
بحث مجلة |
Journal of University of Babylon |
2013 |
A Practical Privacy preserving Password authentication Scheme for Cloud Computing
بحث مؤتمر |
2012 |
Encrypted Remote User Authentication Scheme by Using Smart Card
فصل من كتاب |
Springer Press |
2012 |
Anonymous Password Authentication Scheme by Using Digital Signature and Fingerprint in Cloud Computing
بحث مؤتمر |
IEEE Press |
2012 |
Efficient Password-based Two Factors Authentication in Cloud Computing
بحث مجلة |
International Journal of Security and Its Applications |
2012 |
Secure Rank-Ordered Search of Multi-keyword Trapdoor over Encrypted Cloud Data
بحث مؤتمر |
IEEE Press |
2012 |
Approximate Keyword-based Search over Encrypted Cloud Data
بحث مؤتمر |
IEEE Press |
2012 |
Towards Privacy Preserving Mining over Distributed Cloud Databases
بحث مؤتمر |
IEEE Press |
2012 |
Design A System For Image Matching By Using Fuzzy C-Means Clusters
بحث مجلة |
2011 |
Partial Encryption Of Color Image By Edge Detection
بحث مجلة |
Journal of Al-Qadisiyah for computer science and |
2010 |
Building Recognition
بحث مجلة |
Thi-Qar University Journal for Engineering Sciences |
2010 |
Design Algorithm for Text and Figures Separating from Printed Image Document
بحث مجلة |
(Journal of Basrah Researches (Sciences |
2007 |