الاسم : جمال احمد عبد الباري

العنوان : استاذ

الكلية : الطب

القسم : الكيمياء الحياتية

البريد الالكتروني : jamal.barry@uobasrah.edu.iq

Jamal Ahmed Abdel Barry Aldohan
عنوان النشاط نوع النشاط السنة عالمي
The laboratory day (symposium) held by Basrah health directorate in March 2002 مؤتمر - متكلم 2002
The second cancer conference held in Basrah in Feb., 20-21, 2002. مؤتمر - متكلم 2002
The four scientific (symposium) of haemoglobino pathies units in Basrah Medical College held in Dec., 23, 2001 مؤتمر - متكلم 2001
The laboratory day (symposium) held by Basrah health directrate in Nov., 12, 2001 مؤتمر - متكلم 2001
The first national conference on chemistry held by the College of Science, University of Basrah in Feb., 22-23, 2000 مؤتمر - متكلم 2000
The first cancer conference held in Basrah, 23-24, . مؤتمر - مشارك 2000
The first national conference of gynecology and obstetrics held in Basrah in Nov. 8-9, . مؤتمر - مشارك 2000
4. The laboratory day (symposium) held by Basrah health directrate held in Dec., 6, 1999 مؤتمر - متكلم 1999
The 5th scientific conference of College of Medicine University of Basrah held in Dec., 3-4, 1997. . مؤتمر - متكلم 1997
2. Medical the 25th Anniversary for College of Medicine University of Basrah in 1992, 11-13, April, 1992. مؤتمر - مشارك 1992
The scientific conference of way surgery held by Basrah College. مؤتمر - مشارك 1986